Transcribed from "Old Times Corner" first series published in 1932
by the Greene County Historical Society
edited by George Halcott Chadwick ("C") and Mrs. Jessie Van Vechten Vedder ("V")
originally appearing as a column in the Catskill Examiner
New Baltimore
Village of Catskill
Athens, then partly Catskill, partly Coxsackie.
Cairo (1810): [no attempt is made to correct the spellings]
Berant Acre, Jacob Acre, Samuel Adams, Elijah Alden. Joshua Allerton, James Ames, Obadah Ames.
Benjamin Bagly, John Baker, Josiah Baker, Ebertezer Baley, Robert Baley, John Balls, widow Hannah Bar, Salmon Barith, widow Phebe Barns, Elipha Basset, John Basset, Ebeaezer Beach, Joseph Beach, Abner Benedict John Benham, Martin Benham, Jeremiah I. Bennet, Jira Bennet, Stephen Bently, Joseph Blackmore, Matthew Brandow, David Brewster, Daniel Briggs, Thomas Briggs, William Briggs, Eli Brooks, John Brown, William Brownell, Reuhen Brundridge, Joseph Bullis, John Bullock, Roswell Bump, widow Hannah Bunt, Jacob Bunt, Jacob Bush, Barry Butler.
Robert Chandlor, Robert (happle, Asa Cob, Elisha S. Cole, Joseph Colson, Jabez Cook, Rohert Crawford, James Cummins.
John E. Darhy, Samuel Darby, Peter Davis, Uriah Davis, William Davis, Frederic Dedrick, John Dedrick, Nicholls Delamater, William Densey, Jacob Dewit, David Dickerson, l4emuel Drake, Samuel Drake, Elias Ducher, Stephen Durphy.
James Earls, Wilber Earls, James Eastin, Abel Eaton, Abel Eaton Jr., Martin Eaton, widow Barshebe Ellerton, Nathan Elliot, Jacob Emgar, John Emgar, William Emgar, Russel Enimins.
John Feiro, Robert B. Yield, Amos Finch, Amos Finch Jr., Jonas Finch, Sally Finch, Peter Fisk.
James Gale, Joseph Gilbert, Thomas Gilbert, Benjamin Gillet, James Goodrich, finch Griffin, Richard Grimes, William Gritman.
Ebenezer Hale, Daniel Hall, widow Halsey, William HamlIn, John I. Harver, Arthur flataway, William Head, Warren Heaslin, John Hendrix, David Higby, Charles Hinman, Mnford l-linyon, Robert Holenbeck, Thomas Horars, David Horton (twice), Peleg Horton, John How, Job Howard, Jonathan Howard, John Howel, James Hoyt, William Hulet, Mead Hungerford, Joseph Hunt, Asher Rusted, Jonathan Husted, William Hasted, Enoch Hyde, Benjamin Hyne, Elijah Hyne, Isaac Hyne.
Nathaniel Jacobs, Philip Jinkins, Joel Johnson, Samuel Johnson, Abner Judd.
Henry Kelder, Henry Kelder Jr., Jacob Kelder. Jacob Kip.
Peter Ladeu, Abner Lantern, James Lassly, James Lassly Jr., Ibsoa Laws, Uriah Lee, Truman Lewis, Abraham Linly, Daniel Linner, James Llnner. Serenus Llnner, Nathan Lockwood, David Lyons.
Ebenezer Malery, Jeremiah Mandige, Richard Marks, Peter Marquat, Stephen Martin, widow Deborah Matthew, Daniel Mead, Moses Merrlls, Ezra Miller, Judson Minor, Joseph Moor, Joseph Moor Jr., I. Morrison, John Morrison, Jonathan Moss, Joseph Mott, Mimeon Murils.
Goodman Nobles, Nathaniel Nobles, Jonathan Nutoren.
Black Oliver [colored], Jabez Olmsted, Richad Olmsted, Moses Olstead. Josiah Orsbon, Wllhelmus Ostrander.
Gideon Palmer, Oliver Palmer, Joseph Parker, Thaddeus Parker, Wane Parks, Abraham Perin, Jonas Perin, Amma Perrie, henry Person, Samuel Peter, Jacob Philips, William Philips, Henry Phillips, Abraham Pierson, Jr. John Pusher, John Pine, John Pine Jr.. Zina Plina, Harry Poke [colored], William Post, Robert Purdy.
Daniel Read. Joseph Read, James Renny John Renny, John Renny Jr., Jacob Riesdoph .Jr.. Jacob Riesdorph Aaron Roberts, Ezekiel Roberts, Joel Roberts, William Rodes, Etham Roger, Robert Root, Peter Rossmore, Peter Rouse, Joseph Rnodle, Evan H. Runyon, Martin Rnssel.
Abraham W. Salisbury Albert Salisbury. widow Elsie Salisbury, Staats Salisbury, Wessel Salisbury, William F. Salisbury, James M. Sanford, Daniel Savers, Simon Sayers, Moses Scofield, widow Anna Scott, Silas Senbren, F. Shears, Joseph Shepherd, Samuel Sherman. Peter Shevelien, William Signor, Peter Simpoor, E1i Slauter, Elihu Slauter. Isaac Slover, Amos Smith, Elijah Smith, Ezekiel Smith, John Smith, Nehemiah Smith, Ashhel Stanley, Michael Steel, Edward 1. Stephens, Montgomery Stephens, Silvenus W. Stephens, James H. Steward, John Steward, Julius Steward, Peter Steward, Seneca Steward (twice) Neri Stodard, Aaron Stone, Elias Stone, Benjamin Story, David Stratton. David Stratton Jr., Charles Strong.
Tucker Tahor, Ebenezer Tamys, Jacob Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Jesse Terylor, William Thomas, Richard Thorn, Benjamin Tidd, Zephaniah Tidd, Thomas Toby, Ager Tredwell, Benjamin Tryon Jr., Jacob Tryover, Russel Tubs, William Tubs, Stephen Tudd.
Allen Uphani, Joseph Utter.
Henry Van Buren, James Vandenberg, William Vandenhurg, Mindert V. Dyke., Abraham Van Etten, Cobus Van Etten, John Van Etten (twice), Peter Van Orden, Dadd Vining.
Seth Warner Abner Waters, Dennis Webster, Janies Webster, Russel Webster, Stephen Webster, Timothy Webster, John Weed, Zenies Weed, Henry Weeks, John Welch, William Wilbeak, Abiel Wilber, John Winnea, John Wolenberk, Andrew Wood, Jesse Wood. Silvester Woodruff, Amasa Woods, Elisha Wooneff, Sanfnrd Worth, Jervis Wright, Joseph Wright, William Wright (twice) , William Wright Jr.
Jeremiah Yearls, Gilbert Yeomnne.
Total 312 households, __C, Nov. 14, 1929.
Repeated names are two different families.
Catskill (1810): [no attempt is made to correct the spellings] Top
David Abeel, David G. Abeel, Garret Abeel, Cornelius Acker, John E. Ackerman, John Adams, Peter Aikens, Samuel Aikens, James Akins, Aaron Allen, Alexander Allen, Joseph Allen, Joseph Allen Jr., .lohn Alsop, Henry Ashley, John Ashley. Thomas Augustus. Edward Austin.
Timothy Babcock, Andrew Backus, Charles Backus, Deliverance Backus, Whiting Backus, Asa T. Bailey. Adonijah Baker, Ephraim Baker, Ebenezr Baldwin,.loseph L. Baldwin. Calvin Bales, Richard Barker, Cornellus Barnad, Aaron Barnard, Conrad Barringer, Charles Barrington, Abrahan Basset. Jacob Bates. Russel Beebe, Jacob Beecker, Joel Bellamy, Matthew Bellamy, Henry Benham, Nathan Benjamin, Caleb Benton, Daniel Benton Ezekiel Benton, Orange Benton, John Best, James Bill, Jonathan Bill, Shubal C. Bingham, Isaac Blanchard, John Blanchard, Green Blevin, Chester Blodgett, Egbert Bogardus, Jacob Bogardus, Jacob I. Bogardus, James Bogardus, John Bogardus (twice). Peter Bogardus, John P. Bolen, Peter Bortle, James Bostwick, Francis Botsford, Matthew Bounds, Aaron Brandow, Henry Brandow, John Brandow, Lee Brandow, Nicholas Brandow, Peter Brandow, Wilhelmus Brandow. William Brandow, Peter Breasted, George Brendt, William S. Bresach, Peter Brett, Andrew Brezee, Sally Bridgen, Henry Brink, Beman Brockway, Samuel Brooks, Andrew Brosnaham, Charles Brown, James Brown. John Brown, Nehemiah Brown, William Brown, Vincent Bruzee, John Buel, Bazela Bunker, Timothy Bunker. Adam Burgot, [Henry Bnrhans not in census list but in that of slave owners, 1810] George Burke, William Byrne.
Joseph Cadwell, Isaac Cain, James Cain, Ashley Calkins, Enoch Calkins, Peter Camp, Ira Canfield John M. Canfield, Catlope Cannight, Moses I. Cantine, James Cargill, Caleb Carpenter, Michael Casey, Bradford Cash. Silvanus Cash, Solomon Chandler, Lydia Chidester, Samuel Chidester, Samuel A. Chidester, William Chidester, Frederick Chollet, Charles Clark. Cornelius Clark, Casper Claw, Garret Claw, John Clements, Joseph Cleveland. Edward Coates, Samuel Cochran, Shubal Coffin, Solomon Coffin, Uriah Coffin, James Cole, Samuel Cole. Zachariah Cole, Dirk Collier, James Collier, John Collier, John Colson Joseph Colson, John Conine, Ephraim Conkling. Jacob Cook, Jared Cook, John Cook, John Cook Jr., Richard E. Cook. Solomon Cook. Thomas Cook, Thomas B. Cooke, Jacob Coon, Peter Coon, James Cooper. Nathaniel Cooper, Daniel Crane, Mackey Crosswell, Thomas O'H. CrosswelI, John M. Crows, Phineus Curtius.
Selick Dan, Nicholas Danah, .John F. David, Samuel Davis, Peter Davison, Emma Day, Ira Day. Orrin Day, Stephen Day, Henry Deal, John Decker, Abraham Dedrick, Jacob Dedrick, John Dedrick, John Dedrick Jr., Peter Dedrick, William Dedrick. Zachariah Dedrick, Henry Demaurs [correctly Henry Demaiers in slave-owners list] William Demott, John Depuy, Henry Dewitt, John I. Dewitt, Peter Dewitt (twice), Nicholas Dick, Thomas Dillon, Theophilus Dimick, Henry Dingman, John Doan, Joseph Doan, William Dobson, John Dogherty, Peter L. Donaldson, James Donnelly. Terrence Donnelly, Daniel Donovan, Robert Dorlan, Samuel Doxsy, Barent Dubois, Benjamin S. Dubois, Isaac Dubois, John Dubois, Peter Dubois, Anthony Dumond, Waldron Dumond, Nathaniel Dunbar, David Duncan, Jesse Duncan, Jacob Dunham (twice). William Dusenhury, David Dutcher.
Philip Eaman, Amos Eaton, John Eckler, Peter Eckler. John Egbertson. Margaret Egbertson. Nathan Elliott, Nathaniel Ells, Conrad T. Elmendorf. Jacob J. Elmendorf, William Elting, John Emerick, Martin Evarts, Austin Everston.
Jacob Feely, John Fiero, Powles Fiero. Deborah Folger, John Folger (twice), Abraham Fonda, Matthias Fonda, Abijah Fosdick. James G. Foster, Samuel Foster, Samuel Fowks. Simeon Fowler, John Franklin, Simeon Franklin, Alexander Fraser, John Fraser, William Fraser, Philip Frayerd.
John Gardiner, Thomas H. Gardiner, Noah Gardner, James Garish, David Garrison Arnold Gates, Francis Gayler, Philip Gephard, Isaac German, William Gibbs. Aaron Gilbert, Amos Gillet Jr.. Phineas Goodin, Zenas Goodrich, Jacob Gotchers, John Grant, Matthew Graves, William Graves, William Greene, Jeremiah Griswold, Joseph Groom.
Jacob Haight, Jonathan T. Haight, Samuel Haight, Edward Haines, Thomas Hale, Aaron Hall, Lemuel Hall, Lyman Hall, Patrick Hamilton, Samuel Hamilton, Seth Hamilton, Ann Hamlin, David Hamlin, John Hamlin, William Hammond, Mary Hard, Isaac Hardenbergh, James Harington, Benjamin Haviland, Benjamin H. Haviland, John Haviland, Ezra Hawley, John W. Hays, Tideman Hazard, Moses Hedden, George Henry, Samuel Henry, William Hibbert, John Hicks, Benjamin Hide, Hiland Hill, Jonathan Hill, Lee Hill, Richard Hill, Juba Hillyer, Edward Hinman, Nathaniel Hinman, Abraham Hoghtaling, Abraham Hollenbake, Casper Hollenbake, Jacob Hollenbake, Jacob M. Hollenbake, Robert I. Hollenbake, Samuel Hollenbeck, Stephen Horton, Shubal Hotchkin, Thomas Howe, Elizabeth Howland, Nathaniel Howland, Josiah Hubbard, Samuel Hull Jr., Chester Huntington, John Hyde, Wilkes Hyde.
Nathaniel Jacobs, Stephen Johnson, William Johnson, Asa June.
Hezekiah Keeler, Christian Kellerhouse, Jonathan Keyes, Luke Kiersted, Jonathan Kittle, Joseph Kleim Jr. [is Klein in the slave-owners list].
John T. Lacy, Jeremiah Lasher, John Lasher, David Lawrence, Merchant Lawrence, Thomas Lawrence, Wilhelmus Layman, Catherine Leaman, Gideon Leaman, John Leaman (twice), John Leaman Jr., Matthew Leaman, Clement Leamen, Garius Leet, Russel Lefinguel, Theos Limbrick, Noah Lindsey, John Low, Tortullus Luddington.
Silvanus Macy, Ephrairn Magee, Samuel Magee, Isaac Mansfield, Frederick Martin, William Martin, Andrew McFarland, Phebe McGoun, Thomas C. McGraw, Henry McKinstry, Charles L. Meach, Elisha Meiggs, Phineas Meiggs, William Mellin, Aristobulus Merrick, John Merrifield, James Muligan, Levi Mix, Joseph Moore, Rufus Moore, John Morrison, Thomas Mosher, Reuben Moulton, Reuben Moulton Jr., Michael Mower, Lawrence Mullenix, John Munden, Peter Munden, Christopher Musier, George Musier, William Musier, Christian Myer, Cornelius Myer, Tobias Myer Jr.
Mary Nash, John T. Nettenille [Netterville in slave-owners list], Jacob Newkirk, John Newkirk, John Nichols (twice), Isaac Northrop, Samuel Norton.
Sibel Ogden, David Olcott, John Olcott, John S. Olcott, Gersham Olds, Sally Osborn, John Ousterhout, Peter Ousterhout, Clement Overbagh, Elias Overbagh, George Overbagh, John Overbagh, John A. Overbagh, Peter Overbagh (twice), Peter I. Overbagh, William Overhagh (twice).
John Pack, David Palmer, John Patterson, William Patterson, Robert Pauley, Henry Pelham, Isaac Pelham, Garrit Person, Garret Person Jr., James Person, John Person, Silas Person, Jacob Philips, Michael Philips, James Pierce, Samuel Pierce, James Pinckney, George Plank, Jeremiah Plank, Michael Plank, William Plank, John Pollock (twice), David Porter, Jesse B. Porter, Abraham Post, Henry Post, Samuel Powell, James Powers, Joseph Prentiss, Jehiel Preston, Nicholas Price, Naomah Prout, William Prout, Richard Pultney, Jonathan Purinton.
Henry Race, Samuel Raymond, George Read, Aaron Reed, John Reed, Adam J. P. Reid, John Remsen, Samuel Reynolds, Ephraim Rice, Henry Richtmyer, John Riesdorph, Henry Ritter, William Robb, Isaac Robbins, Charles Rogers, James Rogers, James B. Root, Stephen Root, Henry Rouse, John Rouse, John Rouse Jr., James Rowe, Jonathan Rowe, Margaret Rowe, Nicholas Rowe, Philip Ruger, Jeremiah Rushmore, Tunis Ryer.
Jesse Sackett, Abraham Salisbury, Abraham A. Salisbury, Francis Salisbury, William B. Salisbury, Coerad Saltpagh, Frederick Sax, Frederick Sax Jr., John Sax, Peter Sax, Peter Sax Jr., Peter C. Sax, Peter P. Sax, Chester Sayre, Francis Sayre, Frederick Schermerhorn, John Schermerhorn, Egbert Schoonmaker, Clement Schram, John Schuneman, Martin G. Schuneman, William Schuneman, John V. D. S. Scott, William Scott, Henry Scutt, Peter Scutt, Philip Scutt, Solomon Scutt, William Scutt, William Seaman, Joseph Seely, Deborah Shattuck, David Shaw, John Shaw, Thomas Sheffield, William Sheffield, Ezra Shephard, Adonijah Sherman, William Shortman, Nicholas Shoulders, Coenrad Shout, Henry Sileck, Abraham Simmons, Joseph E. Simmons, Thomas Simmons, William Slade, David Smith, Frederick Smith, Frederick Smith Jr., Frederick S. Smith, Jeremiah Smith, Jesse W. Smith, Jonathan Smith, Michael Smith, Numan Smith, Samuel Smith, Simon Smith, Benjamin Sole, Peter Sousor, Maria Sparling, Augustus Spencer, Thomas Spencer, Ezra Stannard, John Starr, Ralph Stebbins, Hugh Stephens, Adam Stewart, William Stewart, Thomas Stiles, Jared Stocking, Jesse Story, James P. Stoutenbergh, Chancey Stow, William Sturgis, John Sutton, Cyrus Sweet.
George Taylor, Jacob Ten Broeck, David Thayer, Hezekiah Thayer, Richard Thomas, Ellis Thompson, John A. Thompson, Ebenezer Thornton, Archibald Thorp, David Thorp, Jason Thorp, Peter Thorp, Peter Thurston, Jacob Timmerman, William Timmerman, James Titus, Ann Tout, Caleb Townsend, Joseph Townsend, Joshua Travers, William Travers, Frederick Tremper, Jacob Tremper, Benjamin Turner, William Turner.
Joseph Vail, James Van Aten, Garrit Van Bergen, Martin Van Bergen, Peter Van Bergen, William Van Bergen, Peter Van Bogart, Abraham Van Buskirk, Benjamin Van Buskirk, Abraham Van Gelder, Peter Van Gelder, Abraham Van Gorden, Henry Van Gorden, Peter Van Gorden, Casper Van Hoesen, Jacob Van Hoesen, J. Van Hoesen, John C. Van Hoesen, John C. G. Van Hoesen, John H. Van Hoesen, Jehn I. Van Hoesen, Garrit Van Hoesin, Isaac Van Loan, John Van Loan, Mary Van Loan, Matthias Van Loan, Nicholas J. Van Loan, John Van Orden, William Van Orden, Abraham Van Valkenbergh, James Van Valkenbergh, James I. Van Valkenbergh, Samuel Van Vechten, Isaac Van Wort, Harmanus Veeder, John Veeder, Ruluf Voorhis.
Roswell Wade, Thomas Wait, John Walcott, Frederick Wall, Joseph Wardwell, Samuel Waring, Justus Warner, Gaun Watts, James Webster, Joseph Weed, Amos Weeks, Nicholas Weeks, James Welch, Henry Well Jr., Elijah Wells, Jacob Wetsel, James Wetsel, John Wetsel, Ephraim Wheeler, Justus Wheeler, Lewis Wheeler, Reuben Whippey, William E. Whitaker, Eli White, Henry White, Andrew Whiteford, Ebenezer Whiting, Solomon Wilber, Horace Willard, Andrew Williams, Gordon Williams, John Williams, John Williams sen.. Elias Winan, David Winans, Timothy Witheride, Godfrey Wolven, Peter Wolven, William Woodward, Samuel Woodworth, William Wynkoop.
Totals, 649 households for Catskill town, then covering a part of Athens, the rest of Athens being then in Coxsackie.-C. Nov. 21, Jan. 2 and 9, 1930.
Coxsackie (1810): [spellings given as published] Top
Benjamin Acker, John Adams, Peter C. Adams, Charles Agor, Sanuel Akely, Thomas I. Alsop. John Anderson, John Armstrong, Martin Armstrong.
Sanford Babbet, Cornwell Bachus, Abel Baker, Benjamin Baker, Samuel Baker, Schuyler Baker, John Barber, Moses Barber, Stephen Barber, Ebenezer Barker, Ralph Barker, William Bartholomew, Peter Bartow, William Bartow (twice), John Bashford, Thomas Bayls, Jeremiah Beadle Jr., William Beadle, Aaron Beagle, Silvester Beagle, Gilbert Begle, Jeremiah Begle, Stephen Benedict, Isaac Bennett, Arthur Besty, John Betts, William Billingham, Caleb Bingham (twice), John Boast, Ephraim Bogardus (twice), Hendrick Bogardus, Isaac Bogardus, Jacob Bogardus, John Bogardus (twice), Peter Bogardus, John Boom, David Botsford, William Bowdish, Benjamin Bowers, William Bradley, John Brandow, Asahel Braynard, Eytje Brogden, Dick Bronck, Casper Bronk Jr., Ephraim Bronk, John Bronk, Jonas Bronk, Leonard Bronk, Peter Bronk, Peter C. Bronk, Peter R. Bronk, Philip Bronk, John Brooks, Joshua Brooks, William Brooks, Nathan Brour, Martin Brower, Thomas Brower, John Brown (twice), John H. Brown, Samuel Brown, Nathan Bruce, Horace Bull, Larnan Bunce, Stephen Burk, John Burns, Nathan Burrows, Jacob Bush, Absalom Buskirk, John Buskirk (twice), Jabez Busnell, Abel Butler.
Abraham Cable, Joab Cable, Sarah Caldwell, John Camel, Isaiah Cannif, Abraham Cannof, David Carles, John Carles, Caleb Carman (twice), Jacob Carman, Alsop Carpenter, John F. Case, Peter Casey, Joseph Chaplain, Elmore Chase, Joseph Chase, James Chidester, Stephen Chidester, Edee [Eder in slave owners list] Clapp, Thomas Clarke, Casper Claw Jr., Evert Claw, Garret Claw, Gilbert Claw, .Jeramus Claw, John Claw Jr., John C. Claw, John G. Claw, Peter Claw, Peter F. Claw, Francis Clow, John C. Clow, William Cochrain, George Coenby, John Coenby, Tobias Cole, James Colley, Casper Collins, John C. Conine, Leonard Conine, Leonard C. Conine, Peter Conine, Peter Conine Sen., Philip Conine, Philip L. Conine, James Cooke, John C. Copper, Gilbert H. Cornwell, Jacob Cornwell, Samuel Cornwell, Abraham Cuer, Nulls Cuer, Elizabeth Cuyler, John Cuyler.
Benjamin Davis, Ebenezer Davis, James Davis, Thomas Day, Jeremiah Dean, Casper Dederick, Jeremiah Dederick, John Dederick (twice), William Dederick, Robert Delemater, Coenrad Delong, Sarah Deny, John P. Dervier, Catherine Dewitt, Levi Dewitt, David Dickenson, Henry Dickinson, Isaac Dickinson, Moses Dickinson, Obediah Dickinson, Samuel Dodge, Samuel Duncan, David Dunmore.
George Edwards, Morris Edwards, Stephen Edwards, William Edwards, William Edwards Jr., Garrett Egbertson, George Eldridge, Peltick Eldridge, Pinjah Ely, Jesse Emmons, Chancy Ensign, Shelden Ensign, William Ensign, Hendrick Everson, Evert Evertson.
Tallmadge Fairchild, Patrick Falkner, Benjamin Fanhard, Samuel Fansdick, Samuel Field, Isaac Foot, Ephriam Ford, William Fraligh.
Caleb Gage, Thomas Gan, Ephriani Ganet, James Gardner, Samuel Gardner, William Gardner, Michael Garret, Jacob Garrett, John Garrett, Peter Garrett, Simeon Garrett, Barent Gay, John Gay, Thomas Gay, William Gay, Peter Gears, Thomas Gelson, Samuel Gerrish, John Gibbs, Joshua Gidhey, Peter Gidney, Benjamin Gilliry, Ensign Godfrey, Joseph Godfrey, Jonathan Goes, Matthew Goes. William Goes, Robert Golden, Thomas Golden, Samuel Goodridge, Susan Goss, Moses Gouns, Timothy Green, Zebubon Green, Daniel Gregory, Israel Gregory, Gersham Griffen, Caleb Griffin, Sareca Griffin, Peter Groom, Patimer Gue, Benjamin Guerny.
Aaron Haight, Thomas Haight, Christopher Haley, David Hall, Elisha D. Hall, Casper Hallenbake, Isaac Hallenbake, Martin Hallenbake, Abraham Hallenbeck, Obadiah Hallock, Thomas Hallock, Zebulon Hallock, Folger Halsey, David Halstead, James Halstead, Russel Hamilton, John Hardwick. William Hart, John Haruh, John Henry. Daniel Herrick. Barnabas Hicks, George Hill (twice), Jacob W. Hilton, Abner Hoash, Elihu Hoash, Solomon Hoash, Thomas Hoash. Joseph Hogh, Barent Hoghtaling, Coenrad T. Hoghtaling, Garrett Hoghtaling, Hendrick Hoghtaling, Henry Hoghtaling, Henry C. Hoghtaling, John V. Hoghtaling, Matthew Hoghtaling, Peter Hoghtaling, Thomas Hoghtaling (twice), Abraham Hollenbake, Casper M. Hollenbake, Casper W. Hollenbake, Cornelius Hollenbake, Jane Hollenbake, Jehoiakim Hollenbake, John I. Hollenbake, John M. Hollenbake, John W. Nollenbake, Martin Hollenbake, Mary Hollenbake, Richard Hollenbake, William Hollenbake, John Hollenbeck, John Casper Hollenbeck, Jehoiakim Hollenbek, James Holley, Samuel Hollinbake, William Hollinbake, Timothy Hollister, Elizur Holmes, David Horton, Lucy Horton, Benjamin Houston, Samuel Howell, Minor Hubbell, Nathan Hubbell, Shaddrach Hubbell, Josepe Huntley, George Husen.
William Jenks, Henry Johnson, Jacob Johnson, Peter Jones, Thomas Jones, William Judson.
Thomas Kelly, Durrean Kenedy, Peggy Kennedy, Sally Kennedy, David Kiffer, Dorrance Kirtland, Michael Kriefer.
Samuel F. Lamphere, Henry Lamphiere, Hendrick Lampman, Isaac Lampman, John Lampman, David Lane, Zacharias Lannon, Elizabeth Lantman, Stephen Lantman, Joseph Lasue, James Lawrence, John Lawton, Henry LHomedieu, Isaac Linnot, Lewis Liramno, Benjamin Lisk, Charles Lisk, Henry Litcher [Lichten in slave owners list] Joseph Llaunaer, Jacob Louks, Samuel Lure.
Samuel Mansfield, William Mansfield, Timothy Mapes, John Marshall, Totten Marshall, James Matthews, Mary McCabe, Samuel McCabble, Charles McCarl, Gabriel McFarland, Stephen McFarland, Daniel McGuire, Alexander McKinny, John McMullen, James McVicar, Levi Mead, Phoebe Mead, Nehemiah Meed, James Miller, Jonathan Miller, Jonathan Miller Jr., Justus Miller, Matthew Miller, Samuel Miller, Benjamin Morse [Moore in slave owners list], Jesse Morton, John V. Moser, William Moss, John Mumptier, Peter Murphy, Henry Myers.
Bluman Nelson, Eli Nelson, Silas Nicholas.
Isacous Osborn, Jedediah Osborn, John Osborn, John Ostrander, Peter Ostrander, John Out, Jeremiah Oute, David Owens.
Asa Palmer, David Palmer, Edward Palmer. Elias Palmer, Gideon Palmer (twice), Gideon Palmer Jr., Ira Palmer, James Palmer, Joel Palmer, Johathan Palmer, Leonard Palmer, Nathaniel Palmer, Reuben Palmer, Robert Palmer, Robert G. Palmer, Solomon Palmer, Stephen Panvar, Isaac Parker, Smith Parks, Leonard Parse, Daniel A. Pault, Brazilla Peas, Benjamin Peer, Lawrence Perry, Herman Pickot, William Pierce, Allen Plumb, James Plumb, William Porter, Enoch Post, Longett Potts, Deborah Powell, Elisha Powell, John Powell, John G. Powell, Thomas Powell, Thomas G. Powell, Timothy Powell, Abraham Prevost, Jacob Prevost, Casper Price, John Prudent, Abraham Purdy, Elisha Purdy.
James Ray, William Ray, John Read, Laman [Luman in slave owners list] Read, Sarah Read, Anthony Redmiks [Redwicks in slave owners list], Epenetus Reed, Roswell Reed, Joseph Regna, John Remkens, Isaac Reynolds, Zacharias Roach, John Robbins (twice), Peter Robbins, Elisha Robens, James Roberts. Samuel Rockwell. William Roe, Jeremiah Root, Storm Rose, Joseph Rosebatses, John Ruggles.
Francis Salisbury, Samuel Salisbury, John Salter, Reuben Sanderson, Caleb Sarles, Daniel Sarles, Hendrick Schoonmaker, Hezekiah Schoonmaker, Matthew Scott, William Scott, Clement Scram, John Scribner, David Sharp, Jacob Sharp, Jacob L. Sharp, Coenrad Shatton, Richard Shaw, David Sherman, Paul Sherman, Henry Signor, Robert Simpson, Matthew Sitzer, Solomon Skinner, Frederick Slark, Westus Slark, Andrew Slover, Isaac Slover, Culver Smith, Daniel Smith, Elisha Smith, Gregory Smith, Henry Smith, James Smith, Jesse Smith, John Smith, ,John J. Smith, Joseph Smith, Jotham Smith, Theodorus Smith, Reuben Sniffin, Daniel Soliss, John Soliss, William Spencer, Jacob Spoonburgh, Casper Spoor, Denick Spoor, John Spoor, John C. Spoor, John D. Spoor, Daniel Squires, Nathan Squires, Thomas Stebbens, Eleazar Stebbins, John Stephens, William Steward, Ann Stone, Joseph Straken, Walton Street, William Sutherland, Amos B. Swift. James Taylor, Richard Thorn, Solomon Tipple, Charles Titus, Hollet Titus, John Titus, Robert Titus, George Tolly, Henry B. Tolly, John F. Tolly, William Tolly, Caleb Tompkins, Enoch Tompkins, Gersham Torcey, Samuel Totten, Gilbert Travers, Charles Treaver, Archibald Trowbridge, John Trueman, Ezekiel Truesdale, John W. Truesdale, Stephen Truesdale, William Truesdale, Benjamin P. Tryon, Rachel Tryon.
James Underhill.
Anthony Van Bergen, Henry Van Bergen, Henry C. Van Bergen, Martin G. Van Bergen, Peter Van Bergen, John Van Denbergh, John R. Vandenhergh, Matthius Van Denbergh, Peter Van Den Bergh, Richard Van Denbergh, Richard P. Van Denbergh, Robert Vandenbergh, Robert W. Vandenbergh, Wilhelmus Vandenbergh, Peter Van Denburgh, Albert Vandersee, Storm Vandersee, Cornelius Van Deusen, Hendrick Van Durk, Aaron Van Dyck, Abraham Van Dyck, John Van Dyck, Casper Van Hoesen, Francis Van Hoesen, Nicholas Van Hoesen, Rebecca Van Hoesen. Albert Van Loan, Jacob Van Loan, John A. Van Loan, Nicholas Van Loan, Nicholas W. Van Loan, Benjamin Van Orden, William Van Ote, John V[an] Schack, Aaron Van Scheick, Baltus Van Slyck, Baltus Van Slyck, Jr., Barent Van Slyck, Garrit Van Slyck, Henry Van Slyck, John Van Slyck, Peter Van Slyck, Richard Van Slyck, Tennis Van Slyck, Teunis Van Slyck, Tennis A. Van Slyck, Gideons V[an] Valens, Isaac Van Valkenbergh, David V[an] Vleet, John Van Wee, Abraham Van Wort, Jacob Van Wort. Toomas Van Wort, Dennis Ver Plank, Stephen Voorhis, Barent Vosberg, Philip Vosburgh.
Josiah Warner, William J. Warner, Stephen Warren, Jabez Weaver, John Webber, Jehiel Webster, Ebenezer Weeks, Joseph Weeks, Solomon Weeks, Edward Wells, Isaac Wells, Nicholas Wells, Noah Wheeler, Teunis Whitbeck, Elijah White, Cornwell, Wilkes, Samuel Williams, William Wills, Asa Wilson, George Wilson, William Wilson, Johnson Winn, Joseph Winn, Simeon Winn, Leonard Witbeck, Jonn Wolf, Peter Wolf, Teunis Wolf, John Wolfen, Israel Wood, Thomas Wright, William Wright Jr., Daniel Yarles, Isaac Yarles, Solomon Yarles, After Yeomans, Samuel Yeomans, John Youngs, Anthony [follows Goes and may have been same surname].
Total 620 households in Coxsackie in 1810, then including New Baltimore and a large part of Athens township.
It looks as though some of the duplications above are actual repetitions. Was the census taker for Coxsackie trying to pad the population? Usually in this census repeated names are shown to be different people by different numbers in family, but in the cases of Bingham, Buskirk and Carroan, above. the numbers are identical. Who knows?-Feb. 20, 27 and Mar. 6, 1930.
Durham (1810): [spellings litteratim] Top
Eliphalet Ackley, John Adams, Joseph Adams, Joseph Adams Jr., Thomas Adams, Barnard Alberte, Thomas Albro, Herrick Aldrige, Ebenezer Allen, Isaac Anderson, Jacob Andrews, William Ares, Joseph Arnold, Stephen Atwater, Levi Austen, James Austin, Joshua Austin, Joshua Austin Jr., Moses Austin, Abel Avery, Obadiah Avery, Williams Avery, John Avrey.
Barey Bagley, Cutting Bagley, John Bagley, John M. Bagley, Abiel Baldwin, Curtis Baldwin, David Baldwin, James Baldwin, Jonathan Baldwin, Noah Baldwin, Seth Baldwin, Jacob Baringer, Papillean Barker, Thomas E. Barker, Thomas I. Barker, Silas Bartow, Daniel Benjamin, Richard Benjamin, Richard Benjamin Jr., Louisa Bentun, Benjamin Bidwell, Hull Bigsby, Abraham Boomhorn, Michael Boomhorn, Eben Boothe, Asa Bouton, Francis Bouton, Martha Bouton, Ebenezer Brackett, Moses M. Brasseen, Charles Brawton, Arnold Braynard, Jesse Braynard, Zachariah Braynard, Luther Bristol, Daniel Brown, Fowler Bryant (twice), David Bugg, Joseph S. Bullis, Silvester Bunyon, John Burn, Orren Burnham, Constant Bushnell, Reuben Bushnell, Giles Butler, Jesse Butler, Roxy Butler.
Jesse Canfield, Thomas Canfleld, Ira Carter, Isaac Carter, Seth Carter, Thomas Carter, Charles Casso [colored], Patience Champion, Benjamin Chapman, James Chapman, Jed Chapman, John Chapman, Phineas Chapman, Samuel Chapman, William Chapman, Jires Chittenden, Joel Chittenden, Leauth Chittenden, John Clafland, Allin Clark, Aaron Clarke, Thomas Clarke, Amos Cleaveland, John Cleveland. Lavine Cleveland, David Coe, David Coles, Solomon Coles, John Combs, Haun Conradt, Thomas Cook, William Cooke, Grove Cooley, Jehiel Cooley, Samuel Cooley, Amos Cornwall, Daniel Cornwell, Peter Cortright, Jemima Cory, George Crandle, James Crane, Frederick Crooker.
Edward Daily, Adaliah Davis, Ebenezar Davis, William Davis, John Davison (twice), Erastus Day, Elliott Deiggs, Adiah Dewey, James Dewitt, Luke Dewitt. Peter Dewitt, Josiah Doan, Moses Dodge, Alvin Doty, Jerome Doty, Nathaniel H. Doty, Bartholomew Driggs, William Dryer, John Dunham, Stephen Dunsbre.
John Earles, Moses Earles, William Early, John Edger, Cornelius Egbertson, Luthan Ells, Abraham Elmendorf, James Eliting, Samuel Everth.
William B. Farmer, John Fayatt, Cyrus Field. Walter Field, Abner Flower, Georges Flower, Silas Fordham, Nathan Fraer, David Franie.
Elias Galusha, Abiel Gardner, John Garrison, Benjamin Gideons, Harris Gideons, John Gideons, Jonah Gilbert, .lames Goof, Philip Goof, Thomas Gray, Richard Griffin, Joseph Griggs, William Groom, Abel M. Grosvenor.
John Haimes, John B. Hall, Elon Hallock, Nathan Hallock, Obid Hames Jr., Amos Hamlin, Josiah Hand, Harman Harey, Edward Harman, I. Harris, Peter Harris, Lovira Hart, Luther W. Hart, Obid Harvey Jr., James I. Hase, John Hawley, Luther Hayes, Oliver Head, Eleazur Hedges, William Heed, Israel Heels, Solomon Henderson, Henry Hendrixen, William Hendrixen, Ephraim Higgins, Edward Hill, Samuel Hill, Jared Hitchcock (twice), Mary Hitchcock, Chancy Hobson, Heman Hobson, Elms Hoghtaling, Isaac Hoghtaling, Gideon Holbert, Samuel Holmes, George Hotchkiss, Henry Hotchkiss, Lemuel Hotchkiss, Joseph Howell, John Howes Jr., Joshua Howland, Abner Hubbard, Benjamin Hubbard, Clarke Hubbard, Elijah Hubbard, Isaac Hubbard, Jabez Hubbard, Israel Hubbut, Betsey Hull, John Hull, Jeremiah Hummel, Enoch Hutchinson.
Giles lngaham, William lngrahain, Abel Ives.
Phebe James, Stephen James, Charles Johnson, Isaac Johnson, Joseph Johnson. William Johnson. Lemuel Judsen. Christopher Keeler, George Keith, Nathaniel Kindle, Charles Kirtland, Daniel Kirtland (twice), Richard Kirtland, Ebenezer Knapp.
Selock Lawes, David Lawter, Isaac Leary, Samuel Lee, William Leet, William Lewis, Joel Linley.
Samuel Marvin, .Iared Matthews, Barnabas McKean (twice), Nathaniel Mend, David Mervin, Andrew Miller, Peter Miller, Philip Moore, Daniel Morison, Eli Morris, Elihu Moss, Timothy Munger, Titus Munger.
John Newell, Raphael Newell, Seth Newell, William Newman, Aaron Norton, Elnathan Norton, Augustus Noyes.
Eli Pain, William Pain, John Palmer, Ira Pank, Daniel Park, Charles Parker, Chester Patterson, Benoni Pearce, Cromwell Pearce, Joab Pearce, John M. Pearce, Micah Pearce, Russel Pearce, Silvester Pearce, Cyrus Peck, Joseph Peck, Samuel Peck, Elkanah Perceval, Timothy Percival, John Perry, Solomon Perry, John Phenix, Silas Pierce, Ethan Plank, Harry Plank, Jeremiah Plank, John Plank, Christopher Post, Ezra Post, Roswell Post, Augustus Pratt, Augustus Pratt Jr., Elthan Pratt, Frederick Pratt, Jonathan Pratt, Jonathan Pratt Jr., William Pratt, Nathan Price, Harvey Puck.
William H. Reed, Aniaziah Rice, Herman Rice, Gilmore Ricketson, Michael Rightemberg, Hary Rightembergh, Rossel Rood, Thomas Root. Ebenezer Rose, James Rose, Jacob Ruggen, Aaron Russel.
Hannah Saving, Amasa Scofield, Samuel Scofleld, Stephen Scofleld, Thonias Scofleld, William Scofield, Reuben Scott, Catherine Seabolt, Jacob Shears, John Sherman, John A. Sherman, Augustus Shoe, Peter Shoe, William Shotelt, Adonijah Skeel, Eliab Skeel, Gideon Skeels, John Skenk, Stephen Slawson, Allen Smith, Gilbert Smith, Recompense Smith, Seth Smith, Thomas Smith. Truman Smith, William Smith, Elias Snyder, Elmkim Souard, Thomas M. Spalding, Calvin Spencer, Dennis Spencer, Ichabod S. Spencer, Ambrose Squires, Peter Stanard, Peter Stanard Jr., Levi Stedman, Robert Steele, Obadigh Stephens. John Stewart, Wilsey Stilwell, Sarah Stocking, Ancle Stone, Nathan Stone, Anson Strong, Josiah Strong, Peter Strong, Selah Strong, Selagh Strong, Henry Strope, Giles Sutton.
Jonathan Tayler, Asa Thomson, James Thomson, Stephen Tibbles, Samuel Tolds, Jesse Tounsend, Richard Townsend, .Jonathan Tripp, Asa Tryn, Richard Tryon, William Tucker, Tehiel Tudd, Joseph Tudds, Joshua Tuyler, Elisha Tyler, Phineas Tyler, Phineas Tyler Jr.
Isaac Umphrey, Silvester Umphrey, Ichabod Umstead, Nathaniel Umsted, James Utter, James Utter Jr.
John Van Loan, Jacob Van Sneg, Theodosius Van Tassel, Reynolds Verner, Stephen Vigil, Joseph Vincent.
Joseph Wade, Luther Wade, Ashbel Walker, Benjamin Walker, James Ware, Elijah Warner, Christopher Waters, Joab Webb, Joel Weeks, Zimri Welke, Samuel Wells, Cornelius West. John West, Isaac Wheeler, Richard Wheeler, Samuel Wheeler, Berea White, Daniel White, Jeremiah White, Sarah Whittlesey, Francis Wilcox, John Wiley,William Wilkins, JacobWingar, Phebe Winon, John Wood, Jerard Woodward, Isaac Woodworth, Ambrose Wright, Benjamin Wright, George Wright, George Wright Jr., James Wright, John Wright, John Wright Jr., Wis. Wright.
Total 481 households.-C. Mar. 27, 1930.
Greenville (1810): [spellings uncorrected] Top
Benjamin Abrams Jr., Benjamin Adams, James Adams, Joshua Alisworth, William Allen, Alexander Anderson, George Anderson, John Aodrews, Eli Anibal, John Armstrong, Benona Austin.
David Baker, Elizer Baker, Gideon Baker, Joshua Baker, John Baley, Dennis Banarbus, Elkana Barker, Ezra Barker, William Barker, Parks Beard, Stephen Beardsly, Garret Becker, Jesse Bell, Jesse Belters, Stephen Benedict, Samuel Benet, John Betts, Joseph Betts, Abel Blackmore, Elisha Blackmore, Isaac Blakeley, Isaac Blakely Jr., Joseph Blasdel, John B. Blimus, Caty Blossom, Ephraim Bogardus, Henry Bogardus, Jacob Bogardus, Nanning Bogardus, Nanning Bogardus Jr., Amos Bolan, Pavimin Bolan, Barly Boots, Amos Botchford, Nathan Botchford, Jack Boyd, Samuel Boyd, John Brandow, Peter Brandow, Peter I. Brandow, Wilhelmus Brandow, Hendrick Brant, Jonathan Brent, Reuben Brington, Ebenezer Brison, Halsey Brown, John Brown, Underhill Budd, Asa Bullock, Daniel Bullock, Silas Bullock, John Bullus, Josiah Bullus, Norris Butler.
Elexander Calhoon, Heman (alhoon, Levi (allendar, Nicholas Carpter, Ebenezer Carter, Ebenezer Carter Jr., Jacob Carter, Luther Carter, John Chapman, Reuben Cheriten, John Christer, John Clash, Ishamer Cobb, Eanus Collins, Gonard Collins, Japt. Collins, Joseph Collins, Samuel Collins, Abraham Colwell, Amos Cook, Samuel Cornell, Michael Cotton, Azel Crane, Paul Cregs, Abestus Crusper, Sarah Cummins, Elisha Curtis, Peter Curtis, William Curtis.
Thaddeus Dan, Christopher Dale, Jonathan Davis, Nathan Davis, Eanos Dean, Benjamin Decker, Henry Decker, Peter Degraaf, Casper Deyo, Aaron Dibble, Aron Dibble, Thomas Dibble, Daniel Dilson, John Drake, William Drake, George Dudley.
Samuel Earls, Henry Edget, Semour Eggot, John Ely, ElI J. Enolds.
Andrew Fancher, Nathaniel Fancher, Ezra Ferra, Alexander Ferris. Gilbert Ferris, John Ferris, Lemuel Ferris, David Ferry, Ezra Finch, John Finnton, Zebu1on Forse, Isaac Foster, Jacob Foster, James Fuller.
John Garlson, Thomas George, Oliver Gibbs, Benjamin Gifford, Joseph Glover, Nicholas Goes, William Goes, Jesse Grant, William Green, Charles Grigs.
Joseph Hadman, Samuel I. Haight, Samuel Hall, William Hallick, William Hallisk, Betsey Hancock, Rebecca Hansen, Solomon Hansen, Gideon Havork, Denison Hawley, Francis Heacock, Bethel Henman, Elijah Henman, Jeromus Henry, Richard Henton, Gideon Hevork Jr., Hannah Hind, Thaddeus Hind, Michael Holenbeck, Robert Holenbeck, Robert Holiday, Lemuel Holkis, Stephen Holly, Isaac Holmes, Joshua Holsbad, William Hooker, Martin Horwin, Benah Hotchrani, Joseph Hotskis, Enoch Hoyt, Daniel Hubbard, William Hull, John Huntington, John I. Huntington, John Husford, Isaac Huyk.
James Ingles.
Thaniel Janther, Robert Jenkins, Jonathan Jeromins, Truman Johnson, Samuel Jones, William Jump, Zuby Jump.
David King (twice), Lewis King, Obadiah King, Ebenezer Kirkland, Aliazer Knold, Christian Kriskern.
Aaron Lake, Edward D. Lake, Ezra Lake, John Lake, Phineas Lake, Truman Lake, William Lake, Stephen Lantman, William Lantman, John Lashley, Henry Lee, Robert Limor [Limon in slave owners list], Stephen Lockwood, Hiram Losee, Stephen Losee, Joshua Lounsbert, Harvey Lusk.
Daniel Maxy, Uriah Mead, Daniel Miller, Israel Moredock, Nathan Morris, William Morris, David Moss, Martin Moss, Simon Moss, Joseph Mott.
Joshua Nelson, Azel Newell, Orange Newell, Aaron Newman, Shubal Newman, Shubel Newman Jr., Ambrose Norton, Augustus Norton, Daniel Norton, Isaac Norton (twice), Joel Norton, Philip Norton, Russel Norton.
Peter Paddoe. Jacob Page, Rachel Page, Timothy Page, Benijah Palmet, Daniel Palmer, James Palmer, John Palmer, Nathan Palmer, Nathaniel Palmer, Penn Parish, William Parks, Amos Petrie, Joseph Picket, Samuel Pierson, William Pitts, Thomas Place, Lidia Platt, Abraham Post, Abraham Post Jr., Ezra Powell, Augustus Provost [Prevost in slave owners list], Charles Pursell.
Ezekiel Ransdale, Abijah Read, Eliakim Read, George Renny, Benjamin Reynold, Thomas Robison, Elias Rockwell, Levi Rogers, Mark Rose, David Rundels, Richard Runder, Josiah Rundle, Prudence Rundle, Reuben Rundle, Jacob Rundles, Samuel Rundles, Elisha Rusco.
Matthew Salisbury, Widdow Saturly, Jonathan N. Scaak, David Scofield, Jonas Scofield, Jonathan Scofield, Bortus Segrew, Simeon Serepter, Samuel B. Shaw, Sarah Shaw, Nathaniel Sheperd, Jonathan Sherral, Haddan Shields, Peter Sigmor, Ephraim J. Silvers, James Simily, Camrad Simons, Peter Skert, James Slanson. J. Slingster, Benjamin Smith, Enos Smith, Harvey Smith, Horace Smith, Isaac Smith, Isaac Smith Jr., Nathaniel Smith, Stodard Smith. Thomas Smith, Isaac Soles, Henry Souper, Samuel Spalding, Benjamin Spear, Clark Squire, Truman Stamford, John Stanton, Aaron Starker (twice), Amos Stephens, Henry Stephens (twice), James Stephens, Nehemiah Stephens. Reuben Stephens, Samuel Stephens, Thaddeus Stephens, Thomas Stephens, Tompkins Stephens, William Stephens, Anthony Stepman, William Steward, Jonathan Stokes, Lewis Stone, Lewis Stone Jr., Hill Sturgis, Smith Sutherland, Daniel Swan, David Swan Jr., John Sweet.
Henry Talmage, William Thorn, William Thorn Jr., Nehemiah Tomkins, Christopher Townsend, James Townsend, Stephen Tryon, Ebenezer Tuttle, Thomas Tuttle.
Isaac V[an] Schaak.
Abel Wakely, Joseph Waldron, Richard Walters, Ichabod Warner, Peter Weaver, Samuel Webb, David Whiteford, Timothy Whitman, Jacob Wilbeck, Joseph Wilkins, William Williams, David Wilson, Eustirra Wilson, Semer Winnans, John Winters, Benjamin Wolsey, William Wright.
William Yeoman.
Total 358 households-C. Apr. 8, 1980.
New Baltimore: see Coxsackie. Top
Prattsville: see Windham. Top
Windham (1810): [spellings as given] Top
John J. Aokman, Samuel Adams, James Addin, William Allen, Solomon Almsbury, Joseph Alwood, James Andersen, Gad Andrews, Ichabod Andrews, Laben Andrews, Sylvester Andrews, Jacob Angle, Nathaniel Appleby, David Arnold, Elizabeth Arnold. William Arnold, Harvey B. Avery.
George Babcock, Isaiah Babcock, Levi Babcock, Jabez Badow, Joshua Baker, Benjamin Baldwin, Harvey Baldwin, Samuel Baldwin (twice), John Barber, John Barber Jr., Ezra Barker, Jeremiah Barker, Phineas Barker, Eshan Barley, Aaron Barney, Eder Barnum, Lewis Barnum, Elias Bates, Nathan Bates, Adney Beach, Erastus Beach, John Beach, Jonathan Beach, William Beach, Isaac Becker, Thomas Becker, Joel Beckwith, Cornelius D. Beers, Augustus R. Benjamin, Phineas Benjamin, Abel Blakeley, Benjamin Blakeley, Ebenezer Blakesley, Enoch Blakesley, Jesse Blakesley, David Blanchard, Daniel Bloomer, Edward Boardman, Joseph Bokes, Thomas Bonnum, Munson Brackett, Warren Brackett, Henry J. Brandow, John Brandow, Levi Brandow, Samuel Brandow, William Brandow, Gurdon Braynard, Josiah Braynard, John Breng, Samuel Brewer, Darius Briggs, Joseph Brooks, Daniel Brounell, Asa Brown, Collins A. Brown, Jabez Brown, Esther Brunson, John Bryans, Isaac Buel, Munson Buel, Roger Bunner, Seth Bunson, Robert Burdsell, David Burges, Stephen Burgess, Elizabeth Burhans, William Burns, Joseph Burnum, Aaron Bushnell, Elijah Bushnell, Elijah Bushnell Jr., Lewis Bushnell, Asa Butler, Nathaniel Butler (twice), Isaac Butts.
Elisha Calkins, Isaac Camp, Caleb Carr, Jacob Carr, James Carr, John Carr, Henry Carver, Zachariah Cayill, Solvin Chafer, Lewis H. Chamberlain, Philemon Chamberlain, William Chamberlain, Benjamin Chamberlin, Samuel Chamlerlin, William Chamberlin, Benjamin Chase (twice), James Chase, Joseph Chase, Zepheniah Chase, Josiah Chatfield, Samuel Chatfield, Joseph Chatterton, Aaron Clafland, Increase Clafland, Charles Clarke, William Clarke, John Clover, John Clum, Minor Cob, Justus Coe, Orrin Cole, Derick Canine, Alexander Conklin, John Connelly, Amos Cooke, Uni Cooke, Abiel Cornish, Nathaniel Corsin, John Coy, Asahel Crandell, David Crankhite, Amos Craw, Benjamin Crispell, Samuel Crooker, William Crooker, George Cross, Joseph Cross, Joshua Cross.
Henry Davis, William I)avis, Cornelius Deckar, Isaac Deckar, Derick Decker, John Decker, John D. Decker, John H. Decker, Lawrence Decker, Lawrence G. Decker, William Decker, David Demance, Moses Demance, James Deyoe, Ezra Dibble, Joel Dickerman, Jacob G. Dies, Joseph Dimond, James Diner [colored], Asahel Disbrow, Asahel Disbrow Jr., James Disbrow, Meker Disbrow, Thomas Disbrow, Nathan Disby, William Distan, Amaziah Doolittle, Isaac Doolittle., John Doolittle, Solomon Doty, Abraham Dudley, Nathan Dudley, Ephriam Dunham.
Edward Eaglestone, James Eaglestone, William Eigun, Arthur Ellsworth, Caleb Elmore, Nathaniel English, John Euman.
Benjamin Fairchild, Jonathan Fairchild, William Falkner, William Falkner Jr., Palatier Farington, Joseph Felt, Nathan Field, Amos Finch, Wells Finch, Adam Fink, Nabby Fitch, Adonijah Ford, Alvin Ford, Joel Ford, Silas S. Fordham, l)avid Foster, David W. Foster, Nehemiah Foster, Ralph Fowler, Silas Fowler, John Fraer, James Fraser, Eltim French, David Freng, Stephen Freng, John Frent, Cornelius Fuller.
Samuel Galloway, Henry Gardiner, Jerome Gardner, John Gardner, Harman Garlick, John Gass, Nicholas Gass, William Gass Jr., Jairus Gates, Artemus Gilbert, Russel Gladden, Russel Glanin, John Goodsell, Henry Goslin, Samuel Graham, Lewis Green, Gideon Greene, Seth Greene, Daniel Gregory, David Gregory, Abijah Griffin, Gorshom Griffin, Obadiah Griffin, John Groat, Daniel Gunn.
Smith Hadden, Aaron Haddon, Charles B. Haddon, James Haddon, Joseph Haddon, Caleb Haight, Jesse Haight, Robert Hall, Samuel Hall, William Hall, John Hamilton, Michael Hamilton, Abraham Haner, Jacob Haner, John Haner, Martin Haner, Benjamin Hanes, Elisha Hanes, Samuel Hanes, Samuel Hanes Jr., William Hanes, Mary Harvey, Titus Heaton, John Heusen, Samuel Heusen, William Hensen, Caleb Hitchcock, Jacob Hitchcock, Jedediah Hitchcock, Thomas Hitchcock, William Hitchcock, Daniel Hogeboom, James Hogeboom, Leonard Hogeboom, Tobias Hogeboom, Abel Holcomb, Isaac Holdridge, Israel Holdridge, Roger Holkem, Jacob Holsty, Frederick Homell, William Hood, Gideon Hostord, Harvey Hosford, Pitt A. Hosford, Reuben Hosford, John Hotchkiss, Phineas Hovey, Amos Hubbert, Aruna Hubbert, Chancy Hubbert, Jedediah Hubbert (twice), Timothy Hubbert, Solomon Huestis, Asahel Hull, Chester Hull, Medad Hunt, Sanford Hunt, Caleb Hyde.
Daniel Ives, John Jves, Samuel Ives, Samuel Ives Jr.
Jacob Jacobie, David Johnson, Ebenezer Johnson, Gerard Johnson, Harvey Johnson, Ira Johnson, Isaac Johnson, Isaac D. Johnson, John Johnson, Stephen .Johnson, William Johnson, Benjamin Jones, Benjamin Jones Jr., Hannah Jones, John Jones.
Henry Karr, Daniel Kelley, Charles Kelsey, Samuel Kelsey, Benjamin Kipp, William Kirk, Benjamin Kirsby, Andrew Klein, Frederick Klein, Henry Kleine, Coenrad Knoll.
Ebenezer Lake, Solomon Lamer, John Laraway, Asa Larington, Elisha Latimer, Samuel Law, Cornelius Leaman, David Levart, Nathaniel Lewis, Peter Lewis, Silas Lewis, Ephraim Lions, Jeremy Lockwood. Jesse Lockwood, Seth Lockwood, Timothy Lockwood, Daniel Loomis, Oliver Loomis, Asa Lord, Eliphalet Lord, Jonathan Lord, Elms Lyons.
John Maben, Robert Maben, Jonathan Main. Isaac Malery, Abijah Mallery, Jacob Martin, John McCann, John McFall, Robert McFall, Benjamin McGregory, Duncan M Gregory, James M Gregory, Peter McLean, Peter Mend, Philip Mend, Amos Meloy, John Meloy, Samuel Merritt, Nathaniel Messenger, Lawrence Mickle, Daniel Miles, Isaac Miles, Willis Miles, Nathaniel Millard, Benjamin Miller, Eleazar Miller, Henry Miller, Jacob Miller, James Miller, James G. Miller, Jeremy Miller, John Miller, Nathaniel Miller, William Miller, Hezekiah Mills, Holmes Mills, Israel Minor, Phobe Minor, Abel Mix, James Moody, David Moore, Elijah Moore, Enoch Moore, Israel Morris, Foster Morse, Elnathan Monroe, Joses Munson, Levi Munson, Orami Munson, Daniel Murien, Samuel Mormon, Thomas Murren, Thomas Murren Jr., Obadiah Murrey, Stephen Myers, Stephen Myers Jr.
Arnold Newcomb, Amos Newton, John Newton, Gass Nilea, John Nibs, Enos Northrop.
Thomas OBrien, Luke Olds, Benjamin Osborn, Bennet Osborn, Eben Osborn, Jernimna Osborn, Nathan Osborn, Enos Osborne, Ard Osburn, Eli Osburn, Zebe Osburn, Henry Ostrander.
James Paddock, Isaac Paine, Lydia Palmer, Smith Palmer, William Parker, Joshua Parminton, Lunnen Parminten, Sunderland Patterson, Amos Paugman, Amos Peck, Jason Peck. Richard Peck [twice]. Samuel Peck (twice), Tenant Peck, Theophilus Peck, Levi Perkins. Samuel Perkins. Timothy Person, Hezekiah Pettit, John Philips, Susan Philips, Ebenezer Platt, Luther Pond, Noah Pond, Moses Porter Daniel Post, Beriah Pratt. John B. Pratt, Simon Pratt (twice), Elias Preston, Jonathan Preston, James Price, John Prout, John A. Pryout, Isaac Puck, John Purson.
William Read, Daniel Reynolds, Jacob Reynolds, Jonathan Reynolds, Philetus Reynolds, Samuel Reynolds, Benajah Rice, Gerard Rice, Ira Rice, John Rice, Andrew Richards, Edmond Richards [twice], James Richards, Asa Richmond, Bernardus Rider. Daniel Rivenbgh, Jasper I. Robbins, George Robertson, James Robertson, Eli Robinson. Jasper Robinson, Reuben Robinson, Elihu Rogers, Solomon Rogers, Tobias Rose, Nathan Rowley. Wilkes Rowley, Pelitia Roland.
Nathan Salisbury, Harman Sanby, John Savage, Silas Sawyer, Gilbert Saxton, Susan Saxton, Derick L. Schermerhorn, Jacob 1. Schermerhorn, Henry Schoonmaker, Henry Schoonmaker Jr., Elijah Scofield, Moses Shaw, Dyer Shephard, Munson Shephard, John L. Sherman, William Shoemaker, Michael Showers, Lemon S. Shutts, Nathaniel Skiff, Ira Smallen, John Smallen, Frederick Smith, Jacob Smith, Jeseman Smith, Peter I. Smith, Reuben Smith, Rufus Smith. William Smith, John Sneathen, Freeman Snow, Freeman Snow Jr., Jacob Snow, Jacob Sole, Gerusha Spencer, Oliver Spencer, Robert C. Spencer, Stephen Spencer, .Justin Squires, William Stall, Richard Stanley ,Jr., Nathan Stanton, John Stedman, John Stedman Jr., Solomon Stedman, Aaron Steele, Perez Steele, Perez Steele, Jr., Henry B. Stepson, George Stimpson, Ephraim Stimson, Nathaniel Stimson, William Stimson, Abijah Stone, William Streeter, Elijah Strong, Jairus Strong, George Swap.
Andrew Tall, Thomas Tayler, George Teal, Jacob Teal, Robert Thompson, Elisha Thomson, Israel Thomson, William Tombs, Timothy Tompkins, Elijah Towner, Elihu Townsend, Moses Townsend, Thomas Townsend, Zebulon Townsend, Lott Towsley, James Tucker, Abraham Turk, John Turk, Ephraim Turney, John Turney, Robert M. Turney, Bostwick Tuttle, Ezekiel Tuttle, Jehiel Tuttle, Joel Tuttle, John Tuttle, John Tuttle Jr., Samuel Tuttle, William Tuttle, Asaph Tyler, Timothy Tyler.
Elihu Umphrey, Robert Underhill, William Underhill, William Underhill Jr. John Valentine, Peter Vandenburgh, John Van Deusen, Stephen Van Deusen, Garret Vandusen, Robert Van Dusen, David Van Dyck, Derick Van Dyck, Cornelius Van Hoesen, Tobias Van Hoesen, Peter Van Loan, John Van Loon, Abraham Van Valkenbergh, Isaac Van Valkenbergh, Jacob Van Valkenbergh, Jacob L. Van Valkenbergh, .Jehoiakem P. Van Valkenbergh, Jerome P. Van Valkenhergh, Lamhert L. Van Valkenbergh, Peter L. Van Valkenbergh, Tunnis Van Valkenbergh, Stephen Vincent.
Gideon Walcott, Samuel Walcott, George Walton, William Ward, James Wares, John Waterman, Benjamin Way, Jacob West, John West, Eliphalet Wheeler, Elisha Wheeler, Thomas Wheeler, Israel Whitcomb, Israel Whitcomb Jr., Argalier White, Nathan White, Nathaniel Wilcox, Daniel Williams, John A. Williams, John Williamson, John Willson, John Willson Jr., Nevin Wilson, James Wiltsey, Jehial Winchell, Jehiel Winchell, Matthew Winter, Rogers Winter, David Winters, Abijah Wolcott, Solomon Wolcott, Joshua Wolfen, Lemuel Woodworth, Austin Wright, Benjamin ___ [this name follows Osborn].
Total, 64 households for Windham, which then included all the mountain half of our county; for county, 3021 households, in 1810.
the 1810 census. Some very interesting responses to these lists have come from people who recognized ancestors or other names. There must be many, many others who could tell us facts we need to know, who talk about them in their homes as they scan these columns, but who have not yet sent us their help. Please do so now. A postcard, or a telephone message, will put us in touch. Do not forget your address-C. April. 17, 24, and May, 1, 1930.
Some Amusing Errors occur in the 1810 census lists. We are very particular to print the names exactly as they stand in the Beers history, not correcting even the most obvious misprints, such as "Dehorah" for Debrah, for it is often unsafe to make supposed corrections without positive information. Who can give us that information -- definite corrections of individual mistakes? We ask your help, to make the list exact.
Here, for example, is Catlope Cannight in Catskill (1810). Who was "Catlope? Our guess is Calliope, and that the last name is an old spelling for what we now write Canniff, like Imboght and its familar pronunciation "Imbuff. But who than was Calliope Canniff? Can some of her descendants enlighten us?
We have been interested, in this connection, to learn how accurate was the proof-reading in Beerss history, and have now found a good check on it in the list of school subscribers on his page 130, copied from page 77 of the "Sketches of Catskill." In this short list of 55 names we discover no less than five careless mistakes in copying or proving namely "Pale" for Hale, "Overbaugh" for Overbagh, "Brockway & Company" for plain Brockway, "Lacy" for Lacey, and Brosnahan" for Brosnaham. One name wrong out of every eleven! And this in copying from a printed list. When such work is added to the scrawly, faded, worn handwriting of the old census sheets, one can imagine the accuracy with which the names have reached us.
And by the way, where is that old 1810 census manuscript? It has not been found In the court house. We should like to see the original.- C. Dec. 5, 1929.
Catskill Village in 1817
contained 238 families with a total population of 1513, had nine schools and four "worshiping Assemblys" and there was no house in the village unoccupied while some houses contained "3, 4, 5 and 6 families each." So states a little manuscript census of June, that year, the well preserved original of which has been found among the papers of the late Judge Emory A. Chase of Catskill, presented to him in 1907 by Henry Ashley. Through the kindness of Mrs. Chase we are able to reproduce the list of (heads of) "families" with the numbers in each. There were in all 1434 white persons recorded, 66 free blacks (indicated by us in the following list by the letter "b) and 13 slaves (here indicated by "sl"), total 1513. In the eight page original, the names are grouped under the initials but are not otherwise alphabetic. For greater convenience of reference, and for comparison with the town census of 1810 published in preceding issues, we rearrange the names into strict alphabetical order.
"Population of the Village of Catskill, June 1817." (Note: Each name is followed by the number of persons in family, with b. for blacks and sl. for slaves):
Chas. C. Abeel 3, David C. Abeel 8, Garrit Abeel 7, John Adams 7 sl. 1, Daniel Ashley 3, Henry Ashley 9, John Ashley 14;
Charles Backus 10, Charles Baker 6 Saml. Baker 3, Win. Barnett 5, Erastus Beach 4, Mathew Bellamy 5, Caleb Benton 4 b. 1, Saml. Benton 5, Tom. Berger b. 4, David Blake 2, Jer. Blake 5, Joseph Blake 6, John Blanchard 3, James Bloggett 5, Egbert Bogardus 8, Jas. Bogardus 7, John Bogardus 10, John Bogardus Jr. 3, Peter Bogardus 4, John P. Bolen 8, Francis Botsford 9 b. 1, Andrew Breasted 4, Peter Breasted 7, Win. Britton 8, A. Brosnaham 4 b. 1, Ben. Brown b. 4, Mrs. Butler 5;
Robert Calder 6, M. I. Cantine 6, Hastings Castle 6, Sol. Chandler 8, Phylemon Church 5, Allen Clark 4, Betsey Clark 3, Charles Clark 8, John Clemens 5, Mary Clemens 2, Jas. Cole 10, Jas. Colier 10 b. 1, Ellison Congar 2, Philip Conine 5, Appollas Cooke 7 b. 1, T. B. Cooke 14 sl. 1, Peter Coons 8, Polly Creigg 2, Mackay Croswell 10, T. O. H. Croswell 5 b. 1;
John F. Darrow 7, Hugh Daugerty 3, Peter Davison 7, Ira Day 10 b. 1, Orrin Day 9 b. 1, Russell Day 9 sl. 1, Stephen Day 5 bl. 1, Henry Dayton 5, Win. Dayton 5, Zac. Dederick 6 b. 1, John Depew 5, Mrs. Dewitt 4, Theph. Dirnmick 6, Abm. Dobbs 8, Terrence Donnely 11 b. 3, Robert Dorlon 6 b. 1, Mary Dougherty 4, Isaac Douglas 4, Barrent Dubois 5, Cornelius Dubois 6, Isaac Dubois 10 b. 3 sl. I, John Dubois 6 b. I sl. 1, John Dubois .Jr. 7, Widow Duhois 3, Allen Dummond 3, Ant. Dumond 4, Jacob Dunham 6, David Dutcher 2, Ben. W. Dwight C;
William Edwards 10 Nathan Elliot 7, Nathl. Ells 6, Jesse Emmons 4, Saml. Everest 2;
Abm. Fonda 10, Philip Foot b. 2, John Franklin 3;
___ Gardner 2, Wm. Gibbs 7, Truman Gillet 3. John Good 4, Chan. Goodrich 5, Henry Grace 4, John Grace 6, ___ Graham 8, John Grant 3, Mrs. Grosvenor 2;
Jacob Haight 7 b. I, Thos. Hale 8, Aaron C. Hall 7 b. 2, Ira C. Hall 6, Lemuel Hall 6, Abm. Hallenbeck 5, J. M. Hallenbeck 3, __ Ham 4,
David Hamlin 7, Frank Hamlin 4, John Hamlin 6, Isaac Hardenberg 4 b. 1, Ezra Hawley 11 b. 2..John Hazen 4, George Henry 7, Saml. Henry 6, John Hicks 4, Hilland Hill 6, Hilland Hill Jr. 3, Richard Hill 6, Nathl. Hinman 15, Josiah Hull 3, Saml. Hull 8, Sol. Hustes 5, Ben. Hyde 2, Wilkes Hyde 7;
Tom. Jackson b. -1, Natbl. Ja ohs 8, J. M. .Iohnson 6 b. 1;
Mrs. Kane 6, Thomas Kelsey 5; John Lamb 3, Joseph Larrabee 3, John Layman 5, Mrs. Lee 4, Thos. Limbrick 8 b. 1 , Arch. Ludinton 6, Tert. Ludinton 13;
Saml. Magee 7, Ben. Maltby 3, Andrew McFralane 6, Henry McKinstry 7 b. 1, Elisha Meiggs 12, Aria. Merrick 7. P. T. Mesick 4, Mrs. Miller 5, Seth Miller 3, Jacob Millius 3, Daniel Miner 3, Joseph Moore 9, Robert Moore 5, James Morgan 6;
J. H. Oakley 7, Wm. Overbaugh 4;
John Pack 4, Jonathan Palen 6, Win. Patterson 8, Joseph Penfield 8. Sam. L. Penfield 8 b. 1, R. H. Penoyer 6, James Pinckney 11, David Porter 3 b. 1, James Powers 9, ___ Pratt 9, Mrs. Prout 5, H. Pruyn 6;
Henry Race 4, Isaac Race 6, Gid. Reynolds 13, Jas. Reynolds 3, Mrs. Rider 1, Jacob Rockefeller 5, Charles Rogers 8, .Jacobus Row 5, Jonathan Row 8, Tunis Ryer 5;
Francis Sayre 7, Eber Scott 4, J. V. D. S. Scott (this was Judge John Van Der Spiegle Scott) 7 b. 1, Seth Scott 7, Wm. Scott 3, Wm. Seaman 8 b. 1, Robt. Searls 21 John Segue 2, Peter Shauerinan 7, Ezra H. Shepard 7, A. Sherman 11, Ben. Sherman 3, J. E. Simmons 3, Cuff Smith b. 3 sl. 1, Simon Smith 4, Ben. Soles 11. Mark Spencer 5 sl. 1, John Starr 6, Mrs. Starr 3, Danl. Stevens 3, Adam Stewart 4, Jared Stocking 8, David Stratton Jr. 6, Seth Swift 3;
Seth Tenbroeck 5 sl. 1, Conklin Terry 2, Hez. Thaver 8, Bill Thompson b. 8, .1. A. Thompson 8 b. 2 sl. 2. Nathl. Thorn 5, Arch. Thorp 10, David Thorp 5, Mrs. Thorp 2, Ben. Titus 3, Gilbert Titus 4, Wm. Tucker 9;
Wm. Van Bergen 7 b. 1, J. C. Vander Zee 5, Henry Van Gorden 10 sl. 1, Garrit Van Hoesen 8, Jacob A. Van Hoesen 5, Isaac Van Loan 2, Wm. Van Loan 6, Ben. Van Orden Jr. 8 sl. 1, Jacob Van Orden 9 b. 1, Saml. Van Orden 3, Jas. Van Volkenberg 7, John Van Volkenberg 2 b. 1, Jacob Van Voorhis 7, Roeloff Voorhis 6;
Mrs. Weed 2, Zenos W. Weed 3, Elijah Wells 7, John Wetsell 3, Win.H. Wey 3 sl. 1, Saml. Whittemore 7, J. B. Whittlesey 3, Horace Willard 9, Nathl. Willson 14, Ira Winans 7, Jas. Woodruff 6;
"In Jail & Limites 6, in Poor House 11, Coasters not included in any family 15 b. 5" giving total of 1513. "Average per Family 6."
This list is interesting in showing that less than one-sixth of the colored population were slaves even at this early date, but had been very generally freed, and that some had become self-supporting families, such as Berger, Brown, Foot, Jackson, Smith and Thompson. We should like to hear from the descendants of any of the colored persons represented in this census list. It is interesting also as reflecting the prosperity of the village after the war of 1812 when the seas had been opened to our commerce and New Yolk was just starting its great growth, with Catskill as one of its most important shipping points of food and leather.
Whoever recognizes in the ahove lists any familiar or ancestral name, please send us a line. Tell us what you can about them. It will make delightful reading, and when this information is all compiled in our historians files it will supply an inimitable picture of the past. -C. Jan 16 1930.
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